A ZINE an alternate way
What we are presenting today is an additional way of being able to express one’s moods and to give the opportunity to those who believe themselves to be in a dead end, the opportunity to express it and to confide in, with the possibility of being helped.
Although the ZINES presented to you today are about running away, they are not only for runaways, but for any worrying situation that seems hopeless to you and for which you would like to be helped or simply advised.
Fugue must be considered as a major risk of disappearance and a form of abduction, in that the teenager becomes the prey of a manipulator who incites him to isolate himself from his environment, and then gradually brought into doubtful schemes or criminalized environments from which it can not go out without heavy consequences.
It can be the abused, harassed, intimidated or abused child. the misunderstood teenager looking for a solution, a parent who needs support, an elder who is abandoned, abused or tyrannized, someone who simply wants to share an experience, propose an idea or project, someone who wants to help or collaborate. In short, everyone can use the ZINE to communicate or express themselves.
If the ZINE can help a child, a teenager or anyone who needs it, the experience will be conclusive and the mission fulfilled.
If certain experiences deserve more specific or urgent attention, they will be directed to more specialized and appropriate support resources.
In fact, the Cédrika Provencher Foundation wants to continue its mission of preventing the kidnappings of children, disappearances and runaways, by all possible means and innovative tools likely to reduce the possible risks of falling into the hands of abusers, aggressors and predators of all kinds. Much has been done and much remains to be done.
As a result, our organization increasingly needs skilled workers, partners, collaborators, benefactors, sponsors and especially volunteers to fulfill its mission to children, families and the public. .
If you are a serious, motivated, generous and honest person, regardless of your age or social status, you have your place on a Cédrika Provencher Foundation work team.
Contact us now at 819-840-8519 or admin@fondationcedrika.org