1-855- JE FUGUE1-844-840-8519 | (819) 840-8519 info@fondationcedrika.org

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Launch of a research centre: The CRPEE

On this 10th anniversary of Cédrika’s disappearance, we have decided to launch the CRPEE (centre de recherche et de prévention sur les enlèvements, les disparitions et les fugues d’enfants) — a research and prevention centre for child abductions, disappearances, and runaways — and a first fundraising campaign.

Trois-Rivières, July 31, 2017 – Activities will be held today at Parc Pie-XII in Trois-Rivières to mark the sad 10th anniversary of Cédrika Provencher’s abduction. In order to prevent other devastating events such as this one, the Cédrika Provencher Foundation is officially launching a research and prevention centre for child abductions, disappearances, and runaways, and a first major fundraiser.

“The Cédrika Provencher Foundation works tirelessly and with great pleasure to achieve its mission: preventing child abductions, disappearances, and runaways by serving as a privileged partner of children, their families, and the entire population,” explained Henri Provencher, the founding president of the Cédrika Provencher Foundation. “The Foundation has chosen to focus first and foremost on prevention. When a disappearance occurs, it is already too late,” he added. “The Foundation’s main objective is to end this growing problem, allowing children to live carefree childhoods and reach adulthood safely and peacefully.”

The CRPEE is a complementary and independent non-profit organization supported by the Cédrika Provencher Foundation. It is a new partner for children, families, and the population. The Centre’s mission is to bring together all skills and specialties in a structured and concerted way to allow continued innovation in the development and creation of new prevention tools—both physical and digital—the development of faster and more efficient response strategies, and active search methods in child abduction cases.

The CRPEE will work for children, families, and the population in collaboration with the relevant authorities. It will develop any idea or project deemed useful for the safety and protection of children in close collaboration with the Cédrika Provencher Foundation.

We invite specialists, organizations, institutions, and businesses to join us to make our Centre unique, dynamic, and useful for society. Well-meaning individuals with ideas or projects are invited to submit their proposals, which will be studied carefully and developed, where appropriate, in the best interest of children, families, and society. To become a partner, sponsor or collaborator, simply contact us at 819 840-8519.

“Together, we can make a difference and act effectively for the well-being of our greatest gifts: our children,” says Henri Provencher. The Board of Directors of the organization is composed temporarily of Lise Girardeau, Louise Despaties, administrators, and Henri Provencher, CEO and Cédrika’s grandfather.

A unique fundraising campaign

All Quebec residents are invited to donate $1.00 a year to help create and disseminate awareness tools.

Since its foundation, the Cédrika Provencher Foundation has relied on volunteers to achieve its mission, and occasionally holds fundraisers to continue its work. This explains the slow progress of project development; however, urgent actions need to be taken to protect children from all kinds of predators.

The Cédrika Foundation is holding its first fundraising campaign to enable it to work effectively for the well-being, safety, and protection of our children. Although the fundraising activity will be a yearly event, people can donate at any time. The total amount of donations received will be announced each year during the International Day for the Prevention of Child Abduction.

Everyone can donate $1.00 a year without compromising their budget.

How to Donate

You can donate by:
• visiting the “make a donation” section of the website of the Cédrika Provencher Foundation at www.fondationcedrika.org;
• collecting donations from employees during a staff event or meeting;
• collecting donations through a local union, during a general assembly or contribution through annual payroll deduction;
• encouraging all employers to match the money raised by its employees;
• making a direct deposit in the account of the Cédrika Provencher Foundation at your financial institution;
• requesting donations during a show or activity;
• putting a coin bank near the cash register of your business;
• writing a cheque to the Cédrika Provencher Foundation.

A Compelling Awareness Video

To encourage donations, an awareness video depicts a happy family and the subsequent turmoil it faces after their child goes missing. This video was co-produced through the courtesy of communication agency Absolu and Balance Média. Henri Provencher proudly says: “I want to extend a warm thank you to all employees at Absolu who worked on this At first, the Foundation focused only on the prevention of child abductions. We quickly realized that each of our projects could be used in cases of runaways and other missing persons, so we broadened their scope to include them. concept (Shanie Dauphinais, Catherine Levasseur, Joany Richer, and Denis Foucault), as well as Mathieu Bouvette who filmed the scenes, directed, and edited the video. They put all their heart and talent into it.” The Cédrika Provencher Foundation is counting on the public’s help to share the video on social media.
July 31st, a special day of fun and prevention
A show by Carl the magician, inflatable games, face painting, safety tips and rules, snacks, fun, demonf our projects could be used in cases of runaways and other missing persons, so we broadened their scope to include them. strations, booths, speeches by our partners and guests, a human chain, viewing of the Foundation’s new video, and launch of the fundraising campaign for the Cédrika Provencher Foundation.


Cédrika’s abduction is what led to the creation of the Cédrika Provencher Foundation in May 2008. Good needed to come of this heartbreaking situation. Each action and detail of the search was thoroughly analyzed and documented so that they can be used to At first, the Foundation focused only on the prevention of child abductions. We quickly realized that each of our projects could be used in cases of runaways and other missing persons, so we broadened their scope to include them. prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. The discovery of Cédrika’s body solidified the mission of this organization for all f our projects could be used in cases of runaways and other missing persons, so we broadened their scope to include them. children and the entire population.
At first, the Foundation focused only on the prevention of child abductions. We quickly realized that each of our projects could be used in cases of runaways and other missing persons, so we broadened their scope to include them.

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